Klausner, Lewis

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Lewis Klausner studied English Language and Literature at Boston University where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1980. He continued his studies in English at Yale University where he took his PhD in English in 1988, writing his dissertation about Robert Frost and Modern Poetry. He taught at Yale University, Connecticut College, the University of Utah, and the University of San Francisco, before coming to John Cabot University. Professor Klausner has published articles and book reviews in academic journals such as Western Humanities Review, American Literature, Studies in Romanticism, and Southwest Review. His writing has been mostly about modern and romantic poets such as Frost, Stevens, Bishop, Wordsworth, and Emerson. However, over the years, Professor Klausner has taught courses that broadly range across eras and traditions. At Yale he taught the historical survey of romance epic (Homer, Virgil, Dante, Cervantes, Joyce, Woolf) as well as of drama (Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, Shakespeare, Racine, Moliere, Ibsen, Beckett, and other moderns). In Utah he taught Nineteenth and Twentieth Century American poetry, the Victorian Novel, Bible as Literature, Intellectual Traditions of the West (Biblical, Medieval, Renaissance, and Reformation). He has taught writing courses both expository (composition courses) as well as creative (Yale’s famous “Daily Themes” course). Since coming to John Cabot University Professor Klausner has taught widely across the curriculum. He regularly teaches Introductions to Poetry and Poetics, to the Novel, to Literature, to The Short Story, to Shakespeare, to Modern Poetry, to Romantic Poetry and Prose, to the Modern Novel, and to American Drama Since 1945. He has also taught a History of African American Literature, a course on literature of the Counterculture of the 1960s, directed study of Joyce’s Ulysses, and a course on the Contemporary Immigrant Novel. The emphasis of his teaching is on helping students become able readers themselves, giving them a toolkit of skills that will enable them to read appreciatively and critically, and to express their questions clearly. He also has taught composition courses at John Cabot, and tutors students individually at the University Writing Center.

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