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The Marian Reforms

Mixson, Andrew James
The Marian Reforms of 107 BC and the factors that led to an apparent radical break with tradition and likely a violation of Roman Law, and the exploration of the politics surrounding the lasting Reforms particularly with regard to the admission of the proletariat in the army and the reorganization of the military are known and well discussed in scholarship. However, the politics that allowed a Novus homo, namely Gaius Marius, to pass such reforms in light of direct or absence of open opposition by aristocratic factions is more ambiguous. The actual mechanisms and forces that facilitated the change led by or accredited to Marius are the main aspects under consideration, as well as, the political and social factors that allowed the longevity of these Reforms initiated by Marius to exist even after his decline, disgrace, and death. The manner of the investigation made use of the biographical analysis and textual analysis as the Life of Marius by Plutarch provided a wealth of information on the professed character of Marius though the nature of the text itself dictates caution in terms of the supposition of veracity. Moreover, close readings of Sallust especially pertaining to his writings of The Jugurthine War as the narrative declared by Sallust portrays a unique antagonist to Rome that eventually provided the political necessity for a man, such as Marius, to rise to prominence and yield a sense of practicality for the Reforms proposed. Furthermore, other ancient sources, though written outside of the temporal considerations to the Reforms, still reflected certain social trends or political events that were either in the process of beginning or continuing in the time of Marius. Other sources served to ground this work in the context of the Reforms and their immediate and essential contribution to the Roman society, military, and state.
Thesis (B.A. in Classics, Minors in Art History and History)--John Cabot University, Spring 2019.
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Marius Gaius approximately 157 B.C.-86 B.C.
Mixson, Andrew James. "The Marian Reforms". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2019.
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