The Sectarian Divide over the Doctrine of Resurrection in Late Second Temple Judaism
Beckmann, Matthew
Beckmann, Matthew
This thesis builds a case for the historicity of a sectarian divide in late Second Temple Judaism over the doctrine of resurrection. It accomplishes this by studying the literary record of the dispute between sects of Second Temple Jews who believed that the dead would someday return to life, and a sect of Second Temple Jews who denied that possibility. Utilizing the methodology of textual historical criticism, three bodies of ancient literature are examined to determine how they attest to this divide; the historical works of Flavius Josephus, the books Christian New Testament, and the tractates of Jewish Rabbinic Literature. Textual evidence is presented for the existence of three sects that believed in a future resurrection of the dead, the Essenes, the Pharisees, and the early Christians movement, and one sect that denied resurrection, the Sadducees. Two additional points of division between these sects are also analyzed in reference to their effect on the resurrection dispute; a socio-economic divide between the sects, and a divide between the sects over the source of authoritative Jewish Law.
Thesis (B.A. in Humanistic Studies, Minors in English Literature and Art History)--John Cabot University, Spring 2019.
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Research Projects
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Judaism, Jews
Beckmann, Matthew. "The Sectarian Divide over the Doctrine of Resurrection in Late Second Temple Judaism". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2019.