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Français 167: The Visual Power of Text Over Image in a Bible Moralisée

Capolei, Isabella
Bible moralisées were picture books of the Bible that were made for the personal use ofthe kings and queens of France and their closest relatives between the 13th and the 15th centuries.The Bibles moralisées thus represent by far the most extensive and ambitious attempt everundertaken to provide the biblical narrative with images and illustrated commentary. Herein liestheir particular interest, and inevitably their principal difficulty. John Lowden can be consideredthe scholar at the centre of the study of Bibles moralisées, especially after his vast, codicologicalstudy of these Bibles. Moralized Bibles do not contain the full text of the Bible; rather, theypresent chosen excerpts of the Bible which are accompanied by illustrations and texts explicatingtheir moral and allegorical meanings. The intent of this study is to focus on the relationshipbetween the biblical episodes and moralizations through their texts and images, in order to see towhat extent the image represent the text but also how the moralized text and images interpret it.The Bible Moralisée of Jean Le Bon (Français 167) will be the case study of thisresearch. In chapter 1, the context of the Bibles Moralisées will be investigated in order tounderstand its background. In chapter 2, a codicological approach will be used to study both thecontext of production and the physical features of Français 167. Chapter 3 will analyze what theimages in Fr. 167 represent and what their accompanying texts say, through a thorough work oftranscription, translation, and visual analysis of two episodes from Genesis 1. Although the focusof this thesis will necessarily be selective, the material will raise issues that relate to the entirecorpus of images and texts of the entire manuscript. The formulation “text and image” should notbe taken to imply assumptions about the priority or superiority of text over image: the format ofthe Bible moralisée always require a complex investigative strategy, cycling from text to image,from image to text, from text to text, and from image to image.
Thesis (B.A. in Art History, Minor in Business Administration)--John Cabot University, Spring 2018.
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Research Projects
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Bible moralisée
Capolei, Isabella. "Français 167: The Visual Power of Text Over Image in a Bible Moralisée". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2018.
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