The Systematic Discrimination Against the Amhara People in Ethiopia
Setegn, Melash Zeleke
Setegn, Melash Zeleke
The claims of minority nations and ethnic groups is widely exercised in different countries, manyof them have made political resolutions for the minority and ethnic based questions. Though inEthiopia, like other countries, the minority nations and different ethnic groups raised thequestions of equality and freedom, it was not giving a democratic and appropriate politicalsolution. In relation to declaration of different international instruments from various human anddemocratic perspectives, from other countries political experiences, since 1970s, in Ethiopia, thedifferent political and social groups had been organized in freedom and equality politicallymotivated groups.For the country’s very long [three thousand years] political, economic, social and culturalbackgrounds, in relation with diversity of languages and settlement of population, either politicalor social groups, none of them couldn’t brought a political solution and many of them collapsed,in connection to variation of the global political conditions, some of them are being there, in1960s and 1970s political program and others are being successful and they abled to govern thestate.In respect to these conditions, a dangerous politics to the country and its population has beenseen in the past 40-50 years, the country divided into pieces of states, having legally recognizedform of states, as an independent and internationally recognized sovereign states, competing eachother’s and conflicted for any reasons. Because of this, the research paper has focussed on theAmhara people, which is more susceptible for ethnic cleansing and genocide, why, how and onwhat conditions, Ethiopia preferred to divide politics ethnically as a political solution for itsproblems, which has more than 80 ethnic groups. Generally, it’s possible to understand from this research, the ethnic based politics in Ethiopia isresulted in conflict and enmity in between different ethnic groups, it’s a cause for millions ofpeople to be internally displaced, it’s a cause for thousands of people death, it’s a cause of ethniccleansing and genocide of the Amhara people and which is leading Ethiopia to be divide in topieces of different states and failed state.
Thesis (B.A. in International Affairs)--John Cabot University, Fall 2021.
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Research Projects
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Human rights, Discrimination, Amhara (African people)
Setegn, Melash Zeleke. "The Systematic Discrimination Against the Amhara People in Ethiopia". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2021.