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Migration of Neapolitan Marble Inlay to Puglia: The High Altar in the Church of Il Purgatorio in Cerignola

Imperiale, Roberta
Notable for the vibrant colors and stylistic complexity of its composition, the high altarin the church of Il Purgatorio in Cerignola is an excellent example of Neapolitan marble inlay inPuglia. The proliferation of seventeenth-century decorative arts in Naples is a significantphenomenon that affected all surrounding provinces. Puglia seems to have numerous examplesof altars bearing a stylistic resemblance to some of the most original works produced in Naplesby Cosimo Fanzago. Nevertheless, the literature on Neapolitan marbles tends to neglect itsimpact on Puglia. Despite the challenges due to lack of documentation or poor state ofconservation, this thesis aims to demonstrate how little-known artifacts, such as the Cerignolahigh altar, can tell us much more about the artistic, social, and historical dynamics of thisphenomenon. Through first-hand visual analysis and comparisons with Neapolitan counterparts,this research also addresses the question of the altar’s authorship and patronage. Overall, such anapproach sheds light on how and why the migration of certain trends from Naples to SouthernItaly happened to involve even churches in smaller Apulian towns such as Cerignola.
Thesis (B.A. in Art History, Minor in Business Administration)--John Cabot University, Fall 2021.
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Marble sculpture
Imperiale, Roberta. "Migration of Neapolitan Marble Inlay to Puglia: The High Altar in the Church of Il Purgatorio in Cerignola". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2021.
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