Lilies in Bloom: An Investigation into the Iconography of Lilies in Aegean Wall Paintings
Palliser, Chase Brittany
Palliser, Chase Brittany
The ancient Bronze Age civilizations of Greece have long fascinated scholars. In particular, the civilization's deep reverence for nature and its symbolism is at the forefront of most Aegean art forms. While academic studies have traditionally focused on depictions of flora and fauna, such as the crocus flower and the swallows, the delicate lily has yet to garner such attention. This study seeks to rectify this overlooked flower by analyzing its depiction across three distinct types of wall paintings – landscape, figurative, and decorative – while employing the methodologies of iconography and context. All in the effort to answer this question: does lily iconography reflect elite status, authority, or something else altogether? Through meticulous case studies, Lilies in Bloom: An Investigation into the Iconography of Lilies in Aegean Wall Paintings, delves into the botanical intricacies of the lily flower and its portrayal as a symbol of cultural identity. The study of lilies in Aegean art is long overdue, and it is hoped that this study will lead to further discussion about this vastly understudied flower.
Master of Arts in Art History -- John Cabot University, Spring 2024.
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Research Projects
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Aegean art, Minoan art, Minoan Mural painting and decoration
Palliser, Chase Brittany. "Lilies in Bloom: An Investigation into the Iconography of Lilies in Aegean Wall Paintings". Master's Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2024.