
Net-working worlds

Gabai, Sara
Participatory communication is the basis for democratic action. With the rise of m new media and the critical and conscious use of them, citizens’ civic engagement may improve, freedom of speech may be amplified and the demarcation in today’s societies between the cultural, the social, political and economic realms may be decreased. I will r»i discuss new media as an anti- sectarian, egalitarian and collective system that plays a determinant role in unmasking the systems of dominance and subordination strongly imprinted in the texture of our cultures and societies and deconstructing ideologies. hegemonic structures and barriers raised among individuals and nature. Culture is a dynamic process of interactions, exchanges and negotiations among individuals. As new meanings, trends and ideas of how we conceive the world emerge. we, as cultural and political agents fully immersed in the continuous process of change. can decide whether to embody the role of custodians of our old values and codes of behavior, or to project ourselves into the future, perceive reality in a new way and build new values for a globally sustainable world. New media, as a tool for political action, are becoming a powerful channel through which people’s voices may be heard and new forms of democratic action and m collective struggle may take place. One does not have to necessarily be a business’ executive or a politician to make a change; by being responsible and active citizens in society, it is possible to create sustainable and healthy environments that guarantee human beings’ universal rights such as freedom of expression, freedom to elect our leaders, the right to have food and shelter and education and employment beyond discriminations and social divisions. The shift from our current unsustainable life model mi R n1 to a new and sustainable one cannot take place through aggression, domination and i separation, rather, through the acknowledgment of our kinship with others and mutual I cooperation to serve humanity’s commdri interests.
Thesis (B.A. in Communications, Minor in English Literature)--John Cabot University, Spring 2010.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Mass media
Gabai, Sara. "Net-working worlds". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2010
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