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Fascism and Populism: Do Salvini and his Lega Nord party share ideologies and communicate like old Italian populist parties?

Montella, Giammaria
Do Salvini and his Lega Nord party share ideologies and communicate like old Italian populistparties? In a world where globalization and equality has become a natural phenomenon that slowlyeveryone is beginning to accept, there are still some people who believe that there should be strongrestrictions to it. For years, especially in Italy, there has been a battle to change and revolutionize themindset of the people, something that has occurred thanks to the new generations. In the previouscentury, with the birth of fascism and the figure of Mussolini, Italy was a very “closed” country, withlittle to no acceptance of foreigners. This has of course began to change thanks to the elimination ofthe fascist regime and the growth of democratic parties in Italy, however populism is still present inthe minds of many people. One of which, is Salvini, the leader of the Lega Nord movement. Salvinihas been seen as the new Mussolini for some of his ideologies and this paper will serve to explainand understand if the two can be compared for their political views, skills and media/public attention.To try and answer this simple, but at the same time very complicated question, I will make use ofnumerous sources. From books, to press releases and University works, I will try to explain andmotivate the reasons (if any), that bring people to view Salvini as a very similar political leader likeMussolini. All the sources I have chosen, do present numerous insights on the major characteristicsof the two leaders, however none provide a direct comparison between the two. My research willserve to analyze these theories presented in the sources and come up with a conclusion on whether ornot the two leaders are indeed similar.
Thesis (B.A. in Political Science, Minor in Legal Studies)--John Cabot University, Spring 2021.
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Politics and government, Political parties, Populism, Lega nord, Matteo Salvini, 1973-
Montella, Giammaria. "Fascism and Populism: Do Salvini and his Lega Nord party share ideologies and communicate like old Italian populist parties?". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2021.
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