
The Populist Regime of François Duvalier: The Role Of Ideology, Terror, and Foreign Policy

Giacché, Joshua Maurizio
This thesis examines the Duvalier regime under the reign of Franfois Duvalier. Duvalier, commonly referred to as “Papa Doc”, came to power in Haiti in 1957 on a populist platform. After a short time he became a corrupt dictator who no longer had the masses interests at heart. The Duvalier regime was one of the most oppressive and authoritarian in the Caribbean and Greater Latin American world, but Duvalier enjoyed much popular support during his entire reign. One cannot help but wonder how Duvalier and his regime managed to have widespread support when the masses were being terrorized and the standard of living declined for the large peasant population in Haiti. This thesis argues that Duvalier’s populist regime reflects the dangers of populist movements worldwide. Since Haitian Independence in 1804, there has always been tension between the Mulatto elite and large Black population. Much of previous Haitian political history was authoritarian, corrupt and did little good for the Haitian people. Furthermore, the majority of previous political leaders had always neglected Haiti’s African past. Duvalier however, valued Haiti’s African historical and cultural past. Overall, the Duvalier regime managed to survive and Papa Doc had much popular support for two main reasons. First, because of the pervasive Terror carried out by Duvalier’s paramilitary organization. Second, because of the appeal of his Black mi Nationalist ideology. In the eyes of many. Papa Doc was the best political option Haiti had to offer. Lastly, as a staunch anti-Communist, Duvalier managed to use the tensions of the Cold War to his advantage.
Thesis (B.A. in History, Minor in International Affairs)--John Cabot University, Fall 2013.
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François Duvalier, 1907-1971, Dictators, State-sponsored terrorism, Political persecution
Giacché, Joshua Maurizio. "The Populist Regime of François Duvalier: The Role Of Ideology, Terror, and Foreign Policy". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2013.
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