Clough Marinaro, Isabella2024-07-182024-07-182024Clough Marinaro, Isabella. “Andare in Giro.” In The Global Encyclopaedia of Informality, Volume 3: A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Informal Problem-Solving in Human Life, edited by Alena Ledeneva, Elizabeth Teague, Petra Matijevic, Gian Marco Moisé, Piotr Majda, and Malika Toqmadi, 345–47. UCL Press. 2024. in giro literally means to ‘go around’ or ‘wander’ in Italian and is used in multiple contexts. It is, however, also a very specific term employed by some Roma communities in the country to refer to their practices of scouting for and collecting recyclable goods around urban streets and peripheral wasteland. It also includes sourcing items directly from an extensive array of personal contacts. The materials are then cleaned, mended, and sold through various informal commercial channels. The practice constitutes a central link in the economies of many camp-dwelling Roma families and is deeply intertwined with informal urban businesses in Italy more generally.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalGleaningSalvagingReuseCircular economyAndare in GiroArticle