Salgó, EszterClough Marinaro, IsabellaAmati, Alessandra2024-10-042024-10-042019Amati, Alessandra. "Brussels, Rome, Budapest, More Distant Than Ever: The EU’s Inability to Manage the Refugee Crisis". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2019. (B.A. in Political Science, Minor in History)--John Cabot University, Spring 2019.The purpose of this thesis is to understand the effectiveness of the European Union and itsmember states response towards the refugee crisis, and why the implementation of a leadingmigration policy has been difficult. By doing this, the paper will first demonstrate a literaturereview on the different concepts as to why the EU has acquired difficulties towards enforcing apolicy, due to the fact that there has been an institutional crisis within the EU. These ideas will belinked to the case studies on Italy and Hungary, and their association to Europe’s refugee crisis.Further on, the thesis will examine the history of migration into Europe from the 1950s-forwardand compare it to the current migration flows. This will portray a comparative analysis because itis necessary to understand the patterns on migration through a historical aspect. The thesis willthen draw its attention towards the progression of the enforced EU migration policies which hadthe potential to restrain the flows but were insufficient to do so. Eventually, the paper will progressinto its represented case studies of Italy and Hungary, which will introduce their securitization andrestrictive border control notions due to the influence of both of their right-wing governmentstowards managing the situation. The conclusion will precisely bring up the question if this crisiswill be able to surpass to a certain extent, and what will the future dictate for the European Unionand its allocated member states.52 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International and immigrationDiplomatic relationsEuropean cooperationBrussels, Rome, Budapest, More Distant Than Ever: The EU’s Inability to Manage the Refugee CrisisThesis