Salgó, EszterHarris, PamelaFitzpatrick, Gabrielle Mae2024-09-242024-09-242019Fitzpatrick, Gabrielle Mae. "External migration policies of the European Union: a multi-level analysis of their framework and decision makers". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2019. (B.A. in Political Science)--John Cabot University, Spring 2019.This paper will describe the multi-levelled, polymorphic nature of the EuropeanUnion’s migration management. Beginning with an examination of the keyinstitutions and decision-making bodies which have contributed to the regulationof migration at the EU level, this analysis will go on to demonstrate how, in itsfailure to create a common framework for the management of migration flows,the EU is left instead with a patchwork of policies as a result of other actorscoming in to fill that vacuum. This lack of uniformity allows for the abuse ofvulnerable third-country nationals and undermines the Union’s ability to managemigration at the supranational level.42 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International and immigration lawEuropean UnionMigrationsRefugeesExternal migration policies of the European Union: a multi-level analysis of their framework and decision makersThesis