Scarpa, SilviaHarris, PamelaAndresen, Emilie2024-10-072024-10-072020Andresen, Emilie. "Human Rights Violations and Abuses in Refugee Camps: The Case of Camp Moria in Lesvos". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2020. (B.A. in Political Science, Minor in Legal Studies)--John Cabot University, Fall 2020.The scope of this thesis is to examine how the politicization of asylum and migration in Europe, combined with the problematic implementation of the EU and domestic legal frameworks in these fields, contributes to determining inhumane conditions in refugee camps, such as Camp Moria in Lesvos (Greece). The analysis involves qualitative research on the 2015 refugee crisis, and Camp Moria is used as a case study. The case study is grounded on fieldwork experience and interviews with refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers, in addition to volunteers and NGO officials. The data provided is based on statistics from IOs, NGOs, and scholars. The analysis examines the effectiveness of the relevant legislation and argues that the legislation is insufficient as it has allowed inhumane conditions in Camp Moria to flourish. The analysis also includes extensive research on the involved politicization and examines the relationship between the inhumane conditions found in Camp Moria and the rise of far-right policies in some countries in Europe, including Greece. The concluding remarks discuss the relevance and timeliness of a re-consideration of the relevant legislation and politicization of the migration crisis affecting the situation in Camp Moria. Finally, the thesis emphasizes the need for a more efficient, cooperative, and organized system at the European Union (EU) level to distribute the responsibility among the Member States.72 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International rightsRefugeesHuman Rights Violations and Abuses in Refugee Camps: The Case of Camp Moria in LesvosThesis