Sorgner, StefanAntomarini, BrunellaKo, Yurim2024-06-042024-06-042024Ko, Yurim. "Eternal Recurrence: Nietzsche’s Prophecy". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2024. (B.A. in in Humanistic Studies, Minor in Philosophy, Minor in Art History)--John Cabot University, Spring 2024.This thesis explores the possibility of a direct and literal interpretation of Friedrich Nietzsche’s teaching on the eternal recurrence of the same. Traditionally, interpretations of the eternal recurrence have been bifurcated: one camp views it as Nietzsche’s most scientific hypothesis, while the other regards it as a philosophical thought experiment questioning the acceptance of life. While the latter interpretation predominates, the former is often deemed incomplete. This study delves into Nietzsche’s writings concerning the eternal recurrence and argues in favour of the literal interpretation. By closely analysing Nietzsche’s texts, it demonstrates that the direct reading of the eternal recurrence is indeed valid, and when contextualised with his broader philosophical framework, it emerges as a coherent perspective. This perspective posits the eternal recurrence as a viewpoint that considers the world as our subjective interpretation of the objective universe, thereby bridging Nietzsche’s scientific and philosophical views.iv, 40 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Wilhelm Nietzsche, 1844-1900PhilosophyEternal Recurrence: Nietzsche's ProphecyThesis