Argentieri, FederigoDriessen, MichaelCabrera Fernandez, Maurizio2024-10-172024-10-172021Cabrera Fernandez, Maurizio. "Economic Trends and Populism in Italy". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2021. (B.A. in Political Science, Minor in Communications)--John Cabot University, Spring 2021.The objective of the respective thesis is to highlight how the economic crisis has favored the spread of populism in Italy. The analysis includes a qualitative research on the social condition of the Italian people, which has prompted the creation of populist movements within the state. Schools of thought and theories are discussed along with economic data to illustrate the underlying ways in which populism has managed to conquer the hearts and minds of the Italian people and infiltrate into its political sphere. The economic crisis of 2007 is then examined, first on a global scale and second, on a national scale, taking into consideration the development of unemployment and social discontent. Following, a case study is conducted on the two most important populist parties in Italy – the “Lega Nord” and the “5 Star Movement.” The respective case study is primarily based on the figures of Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio and examines the ways in which, the two political actors became the leaders of the corresponding parties. The analysis concludes with the awareness that populism is now a dominant movement within Italian politics and has become the voice of the people.v, 37 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International and governmentPolitical partiesMatteo Salvini, 1973-PopulismLega nordLuigi Di Maio, 1986-Movimento 5 stelleEconomic Trends and Populism in ItalyThesis