Clough Marinaro, IsabellaScribner, Benjamin LeeDanna, Chiara2024-05-302024-05-302022Danna, Chiara. "Policy Making and Laws Against Transphobic Crimes: Italy vs. USA". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2022. (B.A. in Political Science, Minor in Legal Studies)--John Cabot University, Spring 2022.This study aims at finding better solutions for the protection of the LGBTQ+ community, more specifically transgender people, from hate crimes they are constantly subjected to, through the usage of inductive research with an interpretivist approach, using qualitative research methodology, analyzing the experiences of the people involved and how it was perceived. To better answer the research question of “how effective are the policy making and laws in deterring transphobic crimes in Italy and USA?”, this thesis will be divided in four sections: historical analysis of the countries’ judicial advancements, definition of specific theories and terms, analysis of specific case studies of transphobic crimes and proposal of potential solutions. Moreover two cases of transphobic murders are going to be analyzed, one for the US and one for Italy, providing also a legislative and judicial outcome and explanation.Lastly, the conclusion will be composed by possible solutions and recommendations for the future.36 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International againstPolicy Making and Laws Against Transphobic Crimes: Italy vs. USAThesis