Bryson, AnnetteAntomarini, BrunellaKriz, Alexander Charles2024-05-292024-05-292023Kriz, Alexander Charles. "The Fetishization of Youth and Beauty: A Contextual Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Women and Gay Men". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2023. (B.A. in Humanistic Studies,Minor in Philosophy)--John Cabot University, Spring 2023.We have stories of witches with an unquenchable thirst for youth. We are fascinated by television shows about a child coming of age and overcoming hardship. We are lured into fitness routines that promise to make us look younger. We shut away older adults into homes and refuse to acknowledge that we will all end up there someday. We are raised with myths of searching for the fountain of youth and drowning in a pond because of the beauty of our reflection. We are obsessed with youth. We are obsessed with beauty. Youth and beauty have a chokehold on everything we hold dear. With every turn we make in the modern day, we are confronted with images of what is considered beautiful and persistently cajoled into thinking that remaining youthful is the only way to obtain this beauty. The connection between the two permeates the depths of our culture. I will use this thesis to highlight the moral implications of these connections to show that humanity has not only created an everlasting relationship between the two but has escalated them to a problematic fetishization of both youth and, 56 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International minoritiesGaysLesbiansComing out (Sexual orientation)The Fetishization of Youth and Beauty: A Contextual Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Women and Gay MenThesis