Bailey, TomAntomarini, BrunellaKubinak, Hope2024-10-072024-10-072020Kubinak, Hope. "Extending Empathy: Recognizing the “other” in Western Philosophy". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2020. (B.A. in n Humanistic Studies, Minor in Philosophy)--John Cabot University, Spring 2020.The “other” in Western philosophy has been fundamentally neglected due to the construction ofsubjectivity being perceived through a genuine male, and meat eating, subject. The constructionof this subjectivity has caused many unrecognized unnecessary sufferings to the “other,”specifically the woman and the animal, through anthropocentric, patriarchal, and oppositionalunderstandings of life. This is presented through the deconstructive philosophies of JacquesDerrida, Simone de Beauvoir, and Carol J. Adams, amongst others. In discussing their seminalworks, this thesis seeks to discuss how the “other” has been fundamentally neglected withinWestern philosophy, and how by recognizing the intention of our biases, whether they beinternalized and subconscious or not, can allow us to reconsider our ethical responsibilitiestoward the “other.” To conclude, I will aim to show that through understanding the intentions ofour actions and by extending empathy to the “other” that that the absent ethical responsibility tothe “other,” can and ought to be established.v, 49 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Empathy: Recognizing the “other” in Western PhilosophyThesis