Foster, LauraSmyth, CarolynGray, Arianna P.2024-09-262024-09-262018Gray, Arianna P. "Artemisia Gentileschi: her Bloody Portrayal of Betrayal and Overall Status". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2018. (B.A. in Art History, Minor in Communications)--John Cabot University, Spring 2018.Artemisia Gentileschi is recognized as an important painter working in the style of Caravaggiofrom the Baroque period. Her 20th century rediscovery has resulted in a large body of scholarshipand a number of important international exhibitions. A critical component of Artemisia’sscholarship takes feminist perspectives, though such perspectives have been challenged fromissues such as iconography and connoisseurship. This thesis reaffirms the necessity of a feministperspective in analyzing Artemisia’s work, particularly through a close examination to herFlorentine Judith Slaying Holofernes (1620). After an analysis of the recent historiography of theartist, the thesis analyzes Artemisia’s subject matter, her many heroines that have been seen asrepresenting a developed sense of feminist consciousness and intuition. Based on the artist’sintuitive portrayals, it is important to reiterate the role that certain biographical aspects of theartist’s life, training and patronage, had upon her work. Chapter 3 consists of an in-depthcomparison of Artemisia’s Judith to that by Caravaggio, studying specific naturalistic elements,and especially the representation of blood, to demonstrate Artemisia’s stylistic innovations, drawnfrom her particular gender position as well as from her contact with prominent intellectuals. Fromthis analysis, it becomes clear that Artemisia Gentileschi should be regarded independently of herfather’s work and that of other Caravaggisti painters, and that her feminist contribution to thehistory of painting be reaffirmed.64 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Gentileschi, 1593-1652 or 1653Artemisia Gentileschi: her Bloody Portrayal of Betrayal and Overall StatusThesis