Clough Marinaro, IsabellaArgentieri, FederigoQuaglietta, Oriana2024-11-142024-11-142014Quaglietta, Oriana. "The Other Half of the Sky: The Role of Women in Mexican Drug Cartels". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2014. (B.A. in International Affairs, Economics and Finance)--John Cabot University, Fall 2014.This purpose of this thesis is to analyse the role of women in Mexican drug cartels and verify whether they are merely passive agents in these organizations, or if they can be considered fully fledged members of the same. To do so, this thesis will review the most important theories connecting gender and crime and offer an in-depth P n analysis of the problem of drug-trafficking in Mexico and what has been done to contrast it. Ultimately, by examining what are the positions covered by women in Mexican drug cartels, it will be argued that women are perfectly capable of operating in the criminal world, despite being systematically underestimated in current investigative approaches and the relevant literature.ix, 108 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International trafficWomen drug dealersThe Other Half of the Sky: The Role of Women in Mexican Drug CartelsThesis