Sunga, LyalDriessen, MichaelBrizzi, Victoria Scarlett2024-06-032024-06-032024Brizzi, Victoria Scarlett. "Implementing Transitional Justice in Ongoing Armed Conflicts: Building Durable Peace and Healing Wounds in South Sudan and Ukraine". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2024. (B.A. in International Affairs, Minor in Legal Studies)--John Cabot University, Spring 2024.The following thesis seeks to explore the topic of transitional justice, a concept related mainly to addressing past injustices and dealing with building peace after the end of an armed conflict, and the potential for its application prior to such an end. The question it addresses is, thus, what are the most effective transitional justice mechanisms for addressing crimes under international law during armed conflicts, and how do they contribute to reconciliation and reconciliation, respect for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. By scrutinizing the historical context and ongoing repercussions of conflicts in South Sudan and Ukraine, this study aims to offer practical recommendations on how such mechanisms can be beneficial in both contexts, drawing upon legal and humanitarian data and arguments. Ultimately, it argues that effective transitional justice strategies, such as truth and reconciliation commissions or victim-focused reparations, hold merit in being implemented and developed even amidst ongoing conflicts, as they possess the potential to foster conducive conditions for peace and reconciliation..79 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International justiceHuman rightsReconciliationRestorative justiceImplementing Transitional Justice in Ongoing Armed Conflicts: Building Durable Peace and Healing Wounds in South Sudan and UkraineThesis