Agresti, LeonardoBonannella, ValeriaMoisa, GeorgianaStabiano, ElisaVenneri, Gabriele2024-10-012024-10-012024Agresti Leonardo, Valeria Bonannella, Georgiana Moisa, Elisa Stabiano, and Gabriele Venneri. “Beyond Borders: Exploring Multinational Enterprises’ CSR Efforts for Health Equity in Developing Countries – The Case of Johnson & Johnson”. BA in International Business Capstone, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2024. corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices become essential and necessary for multinational enterprises (MNEs), consumers find themselves skeptical about such commitments. As a result, MNEs must prove that their interventions are making a positive impact rather than using social responsibility initiatives as marketing strategies. A pillar of social responsibility is making healthcare accessible and affordable worldwide. In developing countries, access to healthcare is limited, and a lot of harmful diseases pose a threat to millions of people’s lives. In such contexts, the role of pharmaceutical corporations and their interventions becomes crucial. This research paper is a detailed review of Johnson & Johnson’s strategy for enhancing healthcare access in developing countries, especially Sub-Saharan Africa. This study analyzes Johnson & Johnson’s engagement in CSR efforts to enhance access to healthcare in emerging countries. Using a single case study design, we investigate the company’s investments in healthcare initiatives, infrastructure, stakeholder engagement, availability of services, and accessibility in the African region. While impressive progress has been made, areas for improvement still emerge. Ultimately, implementing CSR in the healthcare sector has shown to be a complex and sensitive issue. Necessary recommendations are made on how to amplify the outreach of corporate initiatives at a higher level to solve health disparities in developing countries.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Social Responsibility (CSR)Healthcare accessPharmaceutical industryDeveloping countriesJohnson & JohnsonBeyond Borders: Exploring Multinational Enterprises’ CSR Efforts for Health Equity in Developing Countries – The Case of Johnson & JohnsonOther