Yawn, LilaSmyth, CarolynBoynton, Jessica Nicole2024-09-202024-09-202022Boynton, Jessica Nicole. "Behold: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Harley Roll T.11".Master's Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2022.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14490/264Master of Arts in Art History -- John Cabot University, Spring 2022.The Harley Roll T. 11 is a late fifteenth-century manuscript recognized by scholars thatpossess a variety of functions, one of which is a birth girdle – a sacred object that extends Eternalcomfort to women in childbirth. However, due to its various contents, not at all scholarshipagrees that the Harley Roll T.11 was or could have functioned as a birth girdle. Thisdisconnection and simultaneous dependence between the manuscript’s functions and its contents,lead me to ask the question, are manuscripts like the Harley Roll T.11 properly and whollycategorized, and, if not, why? Therefore, this reexamination addresses scholarship discrepanciesregarding the Harley Roll T.11 and its birth-girding function through the sociological lens ofmedieval reception. In addition, the physical properties of such a rare object deserve closerinspection, thus creating a copy of the manuscript will aid in my research.viii, 107 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/English manuscriptsMedieval artBehold: An Interdisciplinary Examination of the Harley Roll T.11Thesis