Jaffe, SethDriessen, MichaelPrimo, Giulia2024-09-242024-09-242018Primo, Giulia. "Shifting away From Strategic Ambiguity: What should the United States Foreign Policy be vis à vis the Kurds in the Middle East". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2018.https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14490/309Thesis (B.A. in International Affairs, Minor in Psychology)--John Cabot University, Spring 2018.This thesis outlines current United States foreign policy vis à vis the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds,which has heretofore been characterized by strategic ambiguity. By carrying out athesis attempts to answer to the broader question of “what should U.S. foreign policy be vis àvis the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds?”. The U.S. is faced with three options: it can provide either astrong, mild, or no support to the Kurds. This thesis advocates for the U.S shift away from thecurrent policy of strategic ambiguity towards a more robust – but not too strong – support ofthe Kurds. Indeed, a stronger support of the Kurds is essential for the U.S. to preserve itsstrategic national interest in the Middle East. However, such support should be moderate andfunctional to the creation of an area of containment where U.S. can monitor Iran, Russia, andthe results of the fight against ISIS and terrorism more in general. In this way, the U.S. mayhelp fulfilling the number one national objective, namely to preserve a secure homeland freefrom terrorism and promote and protect the interests of its allies worldwide. Chapter 1 of thisthesis answers to the question “what is the current U.S. policy vis à vis the Middle East?”. Itranks and outlines current U.S. national interests, and identifies its allies and enemies in theMiddle East. Chapter 2 answers to the question of “why are the Kurds relevant for the U.S. inthe Middle East?”. This section will show how the Kurds contribute to the implementation ofU.S. foreign policy goals in the Middle East. Chapter 3 of this report advocates for the shiftfrom the U.S. strategic ambiguity towards the Kurds to a more effective support of those latterand will answer to the broader question of “what should the U.S. policy vis à vis the Kurdsbe?”xi, 67 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/International relationsPolitics and governmentShifting away From Strategic Ambiguity: What should the United States Foreign Policy be vis à vis the Kurds in the Middle EastThesis