Linford, SarahGianni, IlariaCarstens, Mary Amelia2024-06-062024-06-062024Carstens, Mary Amelia. "Painter and Partisan: Mapping Renato Guttuso’s Journey as an Anti-Fascist Artist, 1938-1944". Master's Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2024. of Arts in Art History -- John Cabot University, Spring 2024.Renato Guttuso is one of the leading figures of Italian modern art, known for hispolitically engaged paintings and involvement within the Italian Communist Party. His longcareer has solidified this legacy, though it is the early stages of his career and politicalinvolvement which remain pivotal to understanding it. From 1938 to 1944, Guttuso’s artworkand personal political involvement underwent immense change and marked his entrance intoto politicized, anti-Fascist artwork.This project will create a map of his political engagement in his life and artistic careerduring this period, from his first major political painting to his explicitly anti-Fascist imageryfollowing the Second World War. It will create this genaeology by looking at how his styledevelops over the period, reflecting his allegiance tot he avant-garde and increased boldness inhis protest. It will discuss his utilization of an established revolutionary language within arthistory to create his own voice for dissent, and how he makes that voice louder throughouttime, establishing his own style and tradition for political, 87 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Guttuso, 1911-1987Painter and Partisan: Mapping Renato Guttuso’s Journey as an Anti-Fascist Artist, 1938-1944Thesis