Govero, ThomasAntomarini, BrunellaGedizlioglu, Ihsan Baris2024-09-192024-09-192019Gedizlioglu, Ihsan Baris. "Aristotelian Philosophy of Language and its Relation on Philosophy of Mind". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2019. (B.A. in Classics, Minor in Philosophy)--John Cabot University, Spring 2019.Aristotle is often attributed to have initiated the systematic study of fields of logic, physics,biology, mind and many others. Commonly this list does not include language. Surely, there areremarks, deep ones for that matter, in the Organon, but sensu stricto the study of language inAristotle does not go beyond a curiosity and at best; in secondary literature, at most, he receivesa vague reference that credits the so-called similitude theory of meaning. The theory is primitiveand not well-developed but the tools provided by contemporary philosophy of language are away to understand Aristotle’s project in its full extent. The methods of theoretical reductionismhave been applied to modern theories of language in relation to mind and the results are fruitful.Similarly, contemporary philosophical tradition enjoys a great analytic advantage, havingdivided the analysis of language into those of extension, intention, convention, psychology, &c.These categories, though not conceived by Aristotle in his time, can be used to investigate whatan Aristotelian theory of language can be, and more importantly, in which regards would it relateto the mind. For Aristotle admits in De Interpretatione that there are linguistic and psychologicalaspects to the study of meaning and that can be referred to De Anima for a more elaboratediscussion on psychology. A deeper inquiry into the relation between language and mind showsthat theory of language is formally prior to theory of mind. Similarly, the key vocabulary of themind, in particular the notoriously ambiguous notion of phantasma, is also reducible to thevocabulary of language, viz. pathéma.v, 62 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International of mindAristotelian Philosophy of Language and its Relation on Philosophy of MindThesis