Clough Marinaro, IsabellaHarris, PamelaPorporato, Chiara2024-09-252024-09-252017Porporato, Chiara. "European Refugee Crisis and EU Response: How Important Are Humanitarian and State Security Concerns in Asylum Admission Policy-Making in Hungary and Italy?". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2017. (B.A. in Art History)--John Cabot University, Fall 2017.This paper illustrates the importance of humanitarian and internal security concerns in EU admission policy-making in times of a large influx of migrants and transnational terrorism. The paper does so, analyzing the European refugee crisis and EU response to it by focusing on two case studies, namely Hungary and Italy, which are two of the countries that have received the highest number of refugees and asylum seekers in the last two years. First, it examines the theoretical framework against and for open borders. Second, it gives a brief background on the history of migration to Europe since the 1970s to understand the new patterns of migration to Europe and introduce the refugee crisis and the EU response to it. Subsequently, it briefly explains the critical situation in EU to show the EU policies implemented to handle the crisis. Specifically, the paper uses the Hungarian and Italian case to understand if humanitarianism is still important in the European community, specifically in the response to the refugee crisis. Finally, it tries to draw some conclusions arguing that the refugee crisis and the EU response to it have raised questions on the importance of humanitarianism and on the future of the EU. The analysis will show how states are shifting to a dualist approach towards EU law, resulting in a lack of cooperation and cohesion among the member states.iv, 50 pagesenAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International SecurityImmigrantsEuropean Refugee Crisis and EU Response: How Important Are Humanitarian and State Security Concerns in Asylum Admission Policy-Making in Hungary and Italy?Thesis