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Complications and Challenges for Solid Waste Management: A Study on the Actors, Institutions, and Dynamics of Rubbish Control in Rome, Italy

Bozzi, Allison
In recent years, Italy’s capital city, Rome, has been subject to public scrutiny byinternational newspapers and journalists due to the decline in efforts to maintain the city’sinfrastructures and administrative services, particularly within the sector of waste management.The legal basis of Rome’s municipal waste management system is imbedded within theConstitution of the Italian Republic (1948), as it is also to be in compliance with the EuropeanUnion’s policies and legislation. The research question is what are the social and systemicreasons for the inefficient waste management system, and what possible solutions could beimplemented to change this poorly maintained industry. A contributing factor behind theinefficient system is due to the presence of mafia organizations who have been illicitlytrafficking waste, committing a serious of environmental and waste crimes which are damagingthe air, soil, and water conditions for the municipality of Rome. The present paper aims toidentify the social, environmental, and political attributes behind the city’s unsustainablecondition of administrative services, and how this reflects on the quality of living standards forthose living, and/or visiting the Eternal City.
Thesis (B.A. in Political Science)--John Cabot University, Spring 2019.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Waste management
Bozzi, Allison. "Complications and Challenges for Solid Waste Management: A Study on the Actors, Institutions, and Dynamics of Rubbish Control in Rome, Italy". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2019.
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