The Precious Evangeliary Book Covers of Archbishop Alfanus of Capua: A Material Biography
Bermudes, Elizabeth Paris
Bermudes, Elizabeth Paris
The Norman kings of Sicily were wealthy and powerful rulers who shaped a culturally diverse identity transmitted visually through luxurious palaces and splendid objects. The practice of gift-giving and the Palermo royal workshop have produced luxury artifacts that attest to this opulent time. This thesis will investigate the materiality of the Cover of the Evangeliary of Bishop Alfanus of Capua, where they were made and the modifications they have been subjected to over centuries. Furthermore, central to this research is exploring why and how they came to be in Capua from Palermo through the historical narrative. A formal analysis will allow a comprehensive look at the iconography of these precious gold and bejeweled Gospel covers as well as the unique goldwork and enamels. The Palermo palace workshops will be discovered through the lens of medieval texts and primary Siculo-Norman source-objects that illuminate a rich dynamic court. Dated from 1173 – 1182 their enduring life and modifications are rediscovered through direct observation, archival photographs and deep historiographic connections that bring to light new evidence in their material history. Lastly, several hypotheses that examine the commissioning of the luxury Gospel and their arrival in Capua will be exposed through traditions of gifting by both kings and bishops. The objective throughout is to paint a complete picture of the Capua Gospel covers from conception to their current condition. While many questions are left unanswered surrounding this precious Siculo-Norman object what is clear in the end is that it represents a medieval multicultural Sicily.
Master of Arts in Art History -- John Cabot University, Fall 2021.
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Research Projects
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Evangeliaries, Book covers
Bermudes, Elizabeth Paris. "The Precious Evangeliary Book Covers of Archbishop Alfanus of Capua: A Material Biography". Master's Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2021.