Abandoning the Discourse of Philosophical Evil
Kulkarni, Chinmayee
Kulkarni, Chinmayee
The concept of philosophical evil has the ability to explain away many of the undesirable faces of human wrongdoing. Evil skeptics have oft criticized the term and concept of evil as it can easily be misused to slap an easy to understand label on highly complex situations. Then there is also the question of whether pure evil as a secular concept even exists, or whether evil is only motivated by human intentions. These various arguments and analyses are very intriguingly illustrated in an infamous modern day example of what is commonly perceived to be great evil- terrorism. The modern "evil" of terrorism serves to be a rigorous thought experiment in which we can apply, argue, and question multiple aspects of both evil skepticism and evil as an explanatory power. If the term evil is to be used in an explanatory context what questions must it be able to answer and what standards must it pass in order to function well enough to stay in continued use? Moreover, will a new definition prevent it from being abused by the powers that be as has so often happened in the past?
Thesis (B.A. in Humanistic Studies)--John Cabot University, Fall 2020.
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Good and evil
Kulkarni, Chinmayee. "Abandoning the Discourse of Philosophical Evil". BA Thesis, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy. 2020.